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Healthy Companies Innovates Leadership Development for Large Workforces

Services Used

Awards Won

  1. Bronze Horizon Interactive Award in Best Advance in Leadership Development


About This Project

Great leadership has traditionally been the outcome of in-person coaching, mentorship, experience, and training. But can you develop great leaders with digital learning? And is it possible to scale the experience for a large workforce?

Innovative leadership training consultant Healthy Companies was looking for a way to transform their 30 years of research, book writing, and curriculum development into readily accessible digital leadership training that would maintain the same standard of excellence while moving its courses forward.

The company sought a best-in-class, user-centric learning model that would be digital, fun, compelling, and substantive. Most importantly, they wanted an innovative partner who would digitally transform their content while maintaining the effectiveness of in-person training.


AllenComm was challenged to a create a collection of digital leadership modules, tools, and resources that incorporate all of the fundamental concepts developed by Healthy Companies.

AllenComm built a series of micromodules that explores leadership health, well-being, and change agility. The elements of self-awareness, positive emotions, and resilience are embedded within the six healthy tenets of grounded and conscious leadership: physical health, emotional health, spiritual health, intellectual health, social health, and vocational health. Conscious leadership is awareness in action: by getting real, going deep, thinking big, and stepping up. This immersive digital learning experience includes videos, interactive assessments, and visual resources to develop leadership from the roots up.


Learners who complete the experience can expect to be able to:

  • Understand the business impact of Grounded & Conscious Leadership
  • Learn new skills, mindsets, and actions
  • Understand their personal impact on the health and well-being of themselves and others through the Six Dimensions of Health
  • Avoid the pitfalls and master the conscious practices of personal change agility
  • Design a personal development plan that includes actions steps to drive personal transformation and adaptation to change


“AllenComm put together a team that included instructional designers, learning technologists, and a project manager that enabled them to collaborate with us to deliver our solution on time and exceed our vision for the Grounded & Conscious Leadership Experience. Their ability to work together tirelessly to achieve a common goal is amazing.”

dr. bob rosen, founder and ceo, healthy companies

organizational psychologist