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Brand Training That Connects Employees to Your Brand

At AllenComm, our process includes gathering the right information to build a learning experience that connects employees with your brand. We use relatable stories and real-life examples of your brand to increase brand consistency and boost brand strength.

Thought Leader


Senior Performance Consultant

“If you want your employees to exemplify your brand show them what it looks like in their day-to-day responsibilities. Internal Brand Influencers can model your brand in a relatable way. Brand Influencers fill the branding cracks in your business that training can’t touch.”

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How AllenComm Can Help?

  • Analyze your current training program to determine what you can do to boost your brand training
  • Identify gaps between learner behavior and expected results
  • Elevate your brand training content to be more personal, experiential, immersive, and motivational
  • Use human centered design to engage your learners and hit your business goals
  • Find the right technology to align your learning experience with your business strategy
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  • Government & Public Sector
    Heightened levels of government scrutiny and a highly regulatory climate mean companies must be more vigilant than ever to protect their business, employees, and customers. And, they must do so more efficiently and effectively. To accomplish this successfully requires a partner that brings innovation, scale, and credibility to the design and deployment of any training solution. That’s where AllenComm comes in.
  • Finance
    Partnering with one Fortune 500 client, AllenComm created a training program to help financial advisors identify and share the right products to meet client needs. Beyond presenting information, we provided interactive training tools that helped learners create their own client presentations. This led to an overall increase in consumer engagement of 65% and is projected to increase customer retention by 50%.
  • Healthcare
    In the complex, highly regulated and fast-paced world of healthcare, it’s important for providers and patients to be up-to-date on the latest scientific and technological advances. Providers need easily accessible and current information to make appropriate care recommendations. Learn more.
  • Consumer Goods
    The consumer goods industry is quickly evolving as companies work to keep up with changing consumer behavior and preferences, delivery through multiple channels, and a rapidly growing global consumer base. To stay ahead in this competitive climate, your workforce needs up-to-date training.
  • Retail
    Creating a positive customer experience is the key to a successful retail venture. Without effective retail training, associates aren’t equipped with the skills they need to provide the level of service that customers demand—such as outstanding customer service, product expertise, and industry knowledge. Learn more.
  • Manufacturing

    At AllenComm, we understand that the success of your manufacturing operation depends on the safety and efficiency of your workplace, and we offer customized training strategies to give your managers and employees the skills and awareness they need to succeed.