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Learning Content Curation and Authoring

AllenComm’s design and development solutions typically include supporting services for content curation and authoring. The quality of an instructional approach and of the learning content are mutually dependent. Expert content curation and development involves the careful review and analysis of available content resources, meetings with subject-matter experts (SMEs), discussions with end-users and representative learners, etc. The goal is to identify and curate the content that will best support the learning objectives identified as part of either performance consulting or the upfront design. After curation, instructional designers and writers will author specific learning activities such as scenarios or simulations. As the content is tested with learners, it can be further refined before being delivered as part of a learner journey to build capabilities 

With AllenComm, you get a multi-disciplinary team in which instructional designers and writers collaborate with learning consultants, creative services, and tech experts team to bring you award-winning solutions. Our designers and writers also develop learning content across a range of industries—healthcare, manufacturing, finance, and high tech—to meet critical business needs for onboarding, compliance, leadership, sales enablement, and skills development. 

And, if you’re looking for a contract instructional designer, writer, or producer, don’t forget that we also offer temporary staffing through AllenComm Talent 

Case Study

Boosting Quality at Change Healthcare (Optum)

To maintain the highest industry standards during a time of significant transition, leading independent healthcare technology company Change Healthcare sought a new employee training solution to communicate an updated Code of Conduct and support internal culture and branding efforts to aid customer retention and create growth opportunities. Our instructional designers and writers worked closely with SMEs and executive stakeholders from Change Healthcare to curate and author content that would promote the cultural and branding messages key to program success.  

View case study

How Content Curation and Authoring Work Together

Learning content curation is the process of selecting and gathering the most valuable learning content that aligns with the objectives of your learning program. Content authoring involves the creation of instructional activities, using specialized authoring tools, to support the objectives of the instructional design. Together, they ensure learners have easy access to high-quality materials. AllenComm’s scalable content curation and authoring services can grow alongside your learning needs, along with features to help you manage and deliver curated content effectively. 

Content Curation
Content Authoring

Content Curation

Clients that have a wealth of content but are overwhelmed with how to organize it into a training will benefit from AllenComm’s content curation services. 


  • Review and analysis of existing content and content resources, creating alignment with desired outcomes 
  • Content-gathering from subject-matter experts (SMEs), stakeholders, and learner groups through interviews, focus groups, surveys, and worksheets 
  • Instructional and writing expertise to deliver on the promise of the instructional strategy and learning objectives 


  • Relevant content that applies to the specific work environment of the learner 
  • Targeted content that meets learning needs without bogging down or overwhelming learners in too much detail 
  • Confidence and trust that they are learning from the best sources available (and that their time is valued) 

Content Authoring

Our instructional designers and writers can author content using almost any commercially available or specialized authoring platform. They are experts, however, not only in the use of learning tech but in the writing, messaging, and design of the learning activities  


  • Scripting of instructional content using a variety of authoring tools for digital learning with optional generative AI support 
  • Scripting for instructor-led and virtual instructor-led classes (instructor materials, participant guides, cohort guides, etc.) 
  • Storyboarding for instructional podcasts, video, and VR/AR activities 
  • Production of media including screen recordings, video, translation, etc.  


  • The right content for the right learner experience 
  • Engaging writing that captures learner attention 
  • Storytelling and narrative approaches using the latest media 
  • Professionally produced assets that build learner & organizational confidence in the learning function 
“By the way—not sure if I mentioned this before, but it is SO exciting to see how you have incorporated the MASSIVE amount of content I’ve shared with you over the past few weeks and months. I’m thrilled and grateful. And the content you generated from our random reflections and perspective is SO well crafted. Thank you, thank you!”
Client Contact, Panera