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Learning Solutions for Financial Services

Unlocking the potential of strategic partnerships, we’ve revolutionized staff training in financial services. With cost-efficient learning experiences tailored for diverse roles, from financial advisors to compliance staff, our innovative strategies tackle common industry challenges, fostering success stories with industry giants like PNC Bank and Freddie Mac.


  • Outdated onboarding
  • High turnover
  • New product, process, and compliance protocols
  • Lack of coaching culture
  • Transition to remote work (Digital and V-ILT ecosystem)


  • Creating 70/20/10 curriculums
  • Progressive onboarding that utilizes brain science
  • Interactive scenarios and simulations to allow hands-on practice
  • Gamified system navigation training
  • Microlearning modules
  • Learning in the flow of work support resources
“This training has been well received at all levels of our organization. We are getting feedback that this training takes the learner experience to the next level. Learners love the fact that they have the opportunity to interact with our customers earlier in their training journey. One of our main objectives was teaching our specialists to be resourceful, and this training does just that!”