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7 Warning Signs That Your New Hire Online Training Leaves Employees Woefully Unprepared

Tell-Tale Signs That Your New Hire Online Training Is Ineffective

New employees already have some skills and experience under their belt. After all, you hired them because their talents were the missing piece of the puzzle. However, they still need some coaching before they get into the game. They need to know how to deal with everyday challenges and what their role entails. Lack of support may cause a ripple effect for the entire organization. Here are seven warning signs that your new hire online training leaves employees out in the cold and vulnerable to work-related stressors.

1. On-The-Job Mistakes

Employees seem to make more mistakes these days. Could it be that they’re simply careless, or that your new hire online training leaves much to be desired? An increase in workplace errors is a clear indication that staffers need more L&D support. Such as microlearning tools to help them bridge gaps autonomously and improve performance behaviors. You can also prep them for unexpected challenges with simulations and scenarios. For example, how to deal with a client who makes unwarranted advances or how to diffuse a co-worker conflict.

People working together on new hire training

2. Lack Of Self-Confidence

Ineffective employee training robs new hires of their self-confidence. They shudder at the thought of new job duties. At the very least, they second guess their choices and their role in the organization. Simply because they don’t know what’s expected of them or how to perform everyday tasks. A solid new hire online training strategy offers them the knowledge and skills they need to gain the upper hand. Problems give them an opportunity to apply what they’ve learned instead of losing their composure because of the stress.

3. Decline In Customer Satisfaction Scores

Customers are the ones who pay the price of lack of training. New hires are unable to provide them with the level of service they expect. Or find the right product for their requirements. Thus, there’s a drop in customer satisfaction and loyalty. Repeat business becomes a thing of the past thanks to your new hire online training program. Employees must understand the importance of CX and build related skills. Even if they don’t work with consumers on a daily basis. Incorporate anecdotes and real-world examples that showcase how poor customer experience has a domino effect on business operations. Include empathy training activities to help them see things from a different POV and facilitate more positive customer interactions.

4. Overburdened Managers

Managers are another key group who suffer at the hands of insufficient training support. They’re the ones who must field questions and help new hires in need. In essence, giving them the training they should have received via the LMS. Overburdened managers must dedicate time to bring staffers up to speed and fill the gaps left by your L&D department. Thus, they’re stressed and unable to handle their regular work responsibilities. Meet with managers to get their take on the current new hire online training program. You should also give them the support resources they need to guide their team. Such as tutorials for building a stronger team dynamic.

5. Decrease In Productivity

Nothing seems to get done, or it takes twice the amount of time to achieve your objectives. Productivity is steadily declining, and this reflects in your profit margins. This is a common symptom of ineffective onboarding training. Employees don’t have the diagnostic tools to identify areas for improvement. Nor the resources to fill those gaps and improve task performance. Everyone is operating at half capacity instead of utilizing their full potential. Microlearning demos, live events, and podcasts are great productivity boosters if you’re on a tight budget.

6. Increase In Employee Turnover

Employees need a reason to stay—one that goes beyond salary and benefits. They must have a purpose in your organization and the means to fulfill that purpose. Employee training that falls short leads to higher turnover because your top talent will look elsewhere for growth opportunities. They’d rather join a company that values their talents and tries to cultivate them. Instead of staying with a business that leaves them woefully unprepared and simply chooses to replace employees rather than supporting them. Personalize online training to give staffers the tools they need to achieve their goals. As well as disclose strengths and weaknesses they can address in their individualized training plan.

 7. Co-Worker Conflicts

Sometimes people lash out when they feel vulnerable or ill-prepared. It’s a defense mechanism. But co-worker conflicts can also be the result of resentment. Experienced employees don’t appreciate the fact that they have to pick up the slack. To make up for new hires who don’t know what to do or how to behave in the workplace. A great way to use in-house talent and build a supportive training community is peer coaching. Mentors can show new hires how it’s done and give them ongoing performance support. They may also learn a thing or two from novices. Co-workers are less likely to argue if they feel like everyone is on a level playing field and performs their respective job duties.

New hire online training should segue into continual employee development. But only if you give staffers a springboard that supports their goals and ambitions. Every activity should prepare them for the challenges that lie ahead so that they don’t shirk their new duties. They must be confident enough to seize new opportunities and play a vital role in your organization. If your employees display any of these tell-tale symptoms, it may be time to rethink your onboarding training strategy.