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5 Ways to Chunk Information in Videos

If you need a crash course in DIY plumbing or a refresher on changing a tire, where do you go? If you are like most people, you go to YouTube. With just a few clicks of the mouse you can quickly learn how to tile your own bathroom. By nature, humans learn better with visuals. That is why video is becoming much more of a must-have in learning.

Research shows that by the end of the year, the majority of organizations will be using video as part of their digital training strategy. Video caters to many types of learners and is engaging, memorable and fun. It’s also increasingly becoming a cost-effective way to deliver complex information in a short time.

Video can be used effectively in several different areas:

  • Description
  • Demonstration
  • Documentary
  • Dramatization

People connect with and remember stories and video can help you tell those stories in elearning.

The key objective with video is to tell a story. People connect with and remember stories, and video can help you tell those stories in elearning. But you have to be strategic with video. First, the video has to serve a purpose. Having video in the course just for the sake of having video is not effective. Second, you need to take time to do your video right the first time around. Sloppy video can fall flat and be a distraction to the learners.

Invest the creativity to produce a well-done video. This doesn’t always mean expensive with high production value—Youtube is full of successful basement ventures—but even “looking simple” requires more thought and budget than you might think.

So how can you incorporate video into your elearning courses? Here are a few simple ideas.

  1. Keep It Short. One reason why the “how-to” videos on YouTube are so successful is because they are short and to the point. Keep each video short so you hold the learner’s attention. If needed, use the chunking strategy to deliver information in videos.
  2. Use Relevant Scenarios. You want the learners to relate to the material being presented. Video can illustrate key concepts through relevant and authentic scenarios. You can also incorporate quizzes and hot spots throughout the video to test the learner’s understanding of the information.
  3. Use Your Subject Matter Experts. Have your experts appear in a video clip if he or she is comfortable doing so. This can help build credibility and trust with the learners.
  4. Add Variety. It’s good practice to try and mix things up so that your different course videos don’t all blend together. Use different people, voices, backgrounds and music when appropriate.
  5. Tell a Story. Everyone remembers a good story. Use this as an opportunity show the learner how the information fits together, connect them to the material or help them understand new concepts. These types of stories are memorable to your learners and will make an impact on them.

Are there ways video would help you communicate information better? Create more effective training by finding places video can tell stories and complement your content.