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Year in Review: Sharing the 10 Most Extraordinary, Quirky and Thought-Provoking Blogs of 2013

Top 10 Training BlogsIn 2013 we received blogs from our team of talented instructional designers, I.T. wizards, artistic geniuses, detail-oriented project managers, sharp account managers and creative marketing professionals. In a very scientific manner, we used a weight assessment criteria to compile a list of the top 10 corporate training blogs that in 2013 we probably couldn’t have done without.

    1. The Millennial Debate – Does The Generation Gap Actually Exist? by Ron Zamir
      Are millennials really that different? AllenComm CEO, Ron Zamir looks at common claims about millennials and how sound instructional strategies can engage all generations.
    2. Corporate Training Trends in 2013 by Ron Zamir
      At the start of 2013, we saw innovations converge into three key training trends. Learn how these approaches can help you drive engagement and impact performance.
    3. Changing Paradigms in Corporate Training by Ron Zamir
      To us, 2013 has become the year of the needs analysis and consumer education. Are you using audience analysis, learner-centric approaches and learner support systems?
    4. Strategies to Engage Millennials – We Aren’t That Different by Elisabeth Arellano
      If you are creating training for millennials remember that they are not as different as they are made out to be. See how millennials are taking a different route to add value in the workplace.
    5. Performance Mapping: How to Get Results with Training by Marty Newey
      Are you designing training with the end in mind? At Allen, our instructional designers have developed a performance model which helps designers align business goals directly to recommended learning activities.
    6. Deciding Between an LMS & Learning Portal? by Jolet Olsen
      Over the next five years, your LMS will look more like a portal and feel less like a platform. Why is this shift occurring and why should we care?
    7. Training WON’T Change Behavior Unless You Engage – 4 Steps to Ensure Learner Engagement by Brock SmithWho knew that the best way to test training theory is by raising teenagers! See how one account manager learned some very valuable lessons on the importance of engaged learners from his son.
    8. Storytelling and Corporate Training by Bryan Benham
      Stories make information meaningful by making connections in interesting ways. It’s no wonder that stories are central to corporate training. How can you use storytelling to make training compelling and more effective?
    9. I Knew It All Along! : Cognitive Bias and Instructional Design by Nate Chai
      Are Cognitive Biases Warping your Decision-Making? Our Vice President, Nate Chai explores if we are unintentionally limiting our training through in-group thinking.
    10. Training ROI: Chasing a Unicorn or Real Possibility? by Mark Mangelson
      A common problem permeates training organizations: ROI negligence. Are you paying enough attention to defining and qualifying the return on your training investment?

We hope you enjoyed our collection of extraordinary, quirky, and thought-provoking blogs. Make sure to look out for more great training and development blogs in 2014.

Which blog was your favorite and why? Join our conversation below.