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6 Tips to Diagnose Compliance Online Training Pain Points

You’ve officially launched your compliance online training course, thanks to a lot of hard work and a sizable investment. But how do you know whether it is achieving its intended purpose? In this article, I’ll share 6 tips to pinpoint compliance online training pain points and get your compliance online training back on track.                 

How to Diagnose Compliance Online Training Pain Points

It seems like a lot of attention is often given to the creation of effective online training courses, but little to feedback. However, no online training course is complete without open communication, data analysis, and ongoing evaluation. The truth is that feedback will help you identify the gaps in your online training strategy, which allows you to continually improve your approach and your online training ROI. The question is, how do you get to the root of the problem and fix it before it’s too late? Here are 6 ways to diagnose compliance online training pain points with the help of your LMS and audience research

1. Evaluate LMS Reports

Learning Management Systems are a vital tool for organizations who need to deploy and track compliance online training. Studies have shown that the use of LMS increases completion rates, employee participation and cost-effectiveness of compliance online training courses. Learning Management Systems offer built-in reporting features that will allow you to monitor employee participation, progress, and completion rates. You can view all the data in the form of charts and graphs to identify compliance online training pain points more accurately. An LMS will also help you disclose issues with the eLearning course design, such as points at which your corporate learners drop off.

2. Survey Your Team

As valuable as they are, Learning Management Systems may not give you all the information you need. For instance, they will tell you how many employees did not attend the compliance online training course but will not explain why. Or what is preventing them from actually assimilating the information and engaging with the online training content. This requires follow up, such as audience research that offers greater insights. It’s best to conduct surveys before and after the compliance online training to identify compliance online training pain points.

Audience research before the compliance online training is meant to identify employee knowledge gaps and gauge their expectations. At the end of the compliance online training, it will help to reveal whether knowledge gaps have been narrowed and provide general feedback on the online training experience. If the knowledge gap after the compliance online training has been reduced, it’s a safe bet that your content is on point and easily digestible. On the other hand, if there is no significant difference, you may need to reevaluate your online training strategy. Audience research typically takes the form of surveys, interviews, social media polls, or questionnaires.

3. Analyze Incident Reports

Has the rate of reporting of non-compliance cases increased or decreased since the start of compliance online training? By how much? It’s important to be specific and generate actual statistics based on the before and after of your compliance online training course. An increase in incidence reporting shows that there is greater sensitivity among employees regarding compliance issues. If things remain the same, even after they complete the mandatory compliance online training course, then you must determine how to remedy the issue. For example, last quarter you noticed a surge in on-the-job injuries, which is traced back to the lack of proper safety knowledge. In response, you provide employees with online training tutorials and simulations that show them which equipment is required and the gear they must wear.

4. Let Kirkpatrick Lead the Way

Based on Kirkpatrick’s training evaluation model, your compliance online training course can be assessed in terms of user experience. This covers the technical aspects of compliance online training, such as the user-friendliness of the User Interface and its compatibility with different devices. Basically, everything that’s involved with the eLearning course design that might hinder knowledge assimilation.

It will also include an assessment of the online training content itself. For example, whether the compliance online training course is actually relevant for employees based on their experience levels and job duties. Or if it is bombarding them with so much information that they contend with cognitive overload. Ask whether the online training content is interesting and engaging on a personal level. How about the structure, length, and mode of training delivery?

5. Gauge Employees’ Ability to Apply Knowledge in Context

To what extent is the knowledge acquired being applied in the workplace? How has compliance online training changed employee behavior? This can be measured through simulations and branching scenarios. In simulations, employees are presented with real-world cases that involve a relevant compliance issue. They then attempt to solve the problem using their skills and knowledge base. In branching scenarios, the employee must venture down different decision paths to achieve the best outcome. Various solutions are offered, each with a different outcome. Managers will then monitor and assess employees remotely. Results indicate whether employees can apply the knowledge acquired during compliance online training in real life, or if they need some help putting things into context.

6. Analyze Business Reports

Compliance online training should positively impact your company’s bottom line. The effect of compliance online training on business can serve as a measure of its overall success. For example, you notice a steady increase in customer service satisfaction scores, which probably indicates that your company policy compliance course is paying off. You must consider whether online training is truly worth the investment. Factor in the cost of creating the compliance online training course, deploying it, and online training seat time. How does this measure up against the returns? A rise in sales and productivity signal that it’s hitting the target. Conversely, if the bottom line remains unchanged or starts to decline, you need to take a closer look at your approach.

You may be hesitant to gather eLearning feedback and diagnose compliance online training pain points. After all, you’ve put a lot of time and effort into developing and deploying your compliance online training course. So, it may be difficult to even ponder the idea that there’s something missing from your online training strategy. However, identifying the problem early on can help prevent costly violations and keep your employees safe in the workplace.

Compliance online training is considered to be quite boring for the employees and is usually not received with enthusiasm. Read the online article 8 Secrets To Spark Excitement In Compliance Online Training to get your employees enthusiastic about your next mandatory compliance online training course. Discover the top characteristics of compliance training with the free ebook, Key Components of Impactful Compliance Training.

Let us know how we can help with your compliance training needs by reaching out now.