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AllenComm Thought Leaders Invited to Present at Major 2011 Conferences

AllenComm executives will discuss new technologies and highly effective needs analysis methods.

SALT LAKE CITY (December 3, 2010) — Two major professional societies have invited members of the Allen Communication Learning Services leadership team to present at their annual conferences in 2011.

The Society of Insurance Trainers & Educators (SITE) has invited Ron Zamir, CEO of Allen; Michael Noble PhD, CLO of Allen; and Michael Hassett PhD, Allen’s Director of Project Management, to present at their Annual Conference in Austin, Texas on June 26-29, 2011.

The International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) extended an invitation to Dr. Noble and Dr. Hassett to present at their Hot Topics, Brilliant Minds: THE Performance Improvement Conference on April 10-13, 2011, in Orlando, Florida.

“We’re very pleased that SITE and ISPI have chosen Allen to be among the presenters at their respective conferences next year,” said Ron Zamir. “These two professional societies are a proven brain trust of knowledge and best-practices for performance improvement in their industries. Allen has likewise built a similar reputation of excellence through our innovative instructional design and employee development solutions.”

At the SITE conference, Ron Zamir will be presenting key information, tools and practical applications on how the rapid-selling iPad can serve as an effective training platform for corporate users. Ron will be offering hands-on iPad demonstrations on apps and resources relevant to their training strategies. He’ll also share evaluation tools to determine if there is value in iPad usage for specific projects.

Dr. Noble and Dr. Hassett will demonstrate to SITE conference attendees how Allen’s ANSWER analysis tool, and behavior mapping, can increase participants’ abilities to add value to their organizations and to develop solutions that are aligned to the needs and opportunities within their unique environments.

At the ISPI conference, Drs. Noble and Hassett will present Allen’s ANSWER analysis as an approach to rapid needs analysis, demonstrating how ANSWER will help optimize the process of gathering and evaluating key factors before developing a solution.

About Mr. Ron Zamir

Ron Zamir has been the President and CEO of Allen Communication Learning Services for ten years. Ron routinely meets with corporations to discuss instructional strategies, and the adoption of new technologies and methodologies for their training divisions. Ron has been engaged in instructional training since 1984. He has worked with the Israeli Air Force to implement new training technologies; and has also been the general manager for IBG, one of Israel’s leading marketing and business development consulting firms dealing with high-tech, multimedia, education and the Web. Ron is an Honors graduate of Hebrew University, has completed MBA studies and is the recipient of the Raoul Wallenberg Fellowship for Leadership and Democracy. Ron has lectured and presented on training innovations and technology at global symposiums in South Africa, Brazil, Israel, and the United States.

About Dr. Michael Noble

Michael Noble, PhD, became Allen’s CLO in 2005. Michael consults with our major accounts and strategic partners—identifying enterprise-wide targets and objectives, conducting various types of analyses, and recommending new technologies. He has presented at conferences for ISPI, ASTD, and the eLearning Guild. Before joining Allen in 1998, Michael taught at the University of Louisiana. He currently teaches at the University of Utah.

About Dr. Michael Hassett

Michael Hassett, PhD, brought 20 years of experience in education, technical communication, and project management with him when he joined Allen in 2006. He received his PhD in Rhetoric and Professional Communication from Iowa State and has been a professor at two major western universities. With Charles Kostelnick, he published Shaping Information: The Rhetoric of Visual Conventions (2003). Michael has managed projects for Farmers, Wachovia, Discover, and the Risk Management Association.

About The Society of Insurance Trainers and Educators (SITE)

The Society of Insurance Trainers and Educators is a non-profit professional society established in 1953, and is committed to sharing knowledge and resources within the insurance industry by providing continuous learning and professional development, supporting training and education as a process to achieve business results, and by promoting professionalism and integrity. With over 1,000 members, SITE offers its own professional networking site – SITE Connect, sponsors the Insurance Training Professional (ITP) designation, and provides shared training and resources to meet the needs of insurance training professionals.

About ISPI

Founded in 1962, the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) is the leading international association dedicated to improving productivity and performance in the workplace. ISPI represents performance improvement professionals throughout the United States, Canada, and 40 other countries. ISPI’s mission is to develop and recognize the proficiency of our members and advocate the use of Human Performance Technology. Assembling THE Performance Improvement Conference and other educational events like Principles & Practices, publishing books and periodicals, and supporting research are some of the ways ISPI works toward achieving this mission.

About AllenComm

For three decades, the learning and development experts at Allen Communication Learning Services () have helped many of the world’s largest companies sharpen their organizational performance. Allen expands their client’s capabilities by using progressive approaches in custom training, e-learning, and blended learning development, as well as learning portal development and technologies. This bold approach results in highly-customized organizational training solutions that help departments scale and achieve more, while improving ROI.