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Engagement Weekly: The Engagement Revolution

Learn about the latest in employee engagement within various industries. This week’s influential authors look at the employee-driven engagement revolution, how tech is changing engagement, and a few ways to take advantage of that.

Get the full stories below.

1. Make Sure Your Employees Have Enough Interesting Work to Do  

Harvard Business Review – When productivity starts to slide, it’s not always easy to pinpoint the cause. Our first impulse is often to take a close look at how we can improve workplace processes, but we need to look beyond simple time management courses. Read More

2. 5 Powerful Questions That Will Engage Employees to Do Their Best Work

Forbes – Failure to adequately engage employees is resulting in monumental costs for companies. Read More

3. 5 Things Smart Entrepreneurs can do to Engage Their Workforces – Leaders usually do a better job of telling employees what they do wrong than championing the behavior they want to see. Read More

4. The Global & Real-Time State of Employee Engagement –  An interactive showing the current state of employee engagement, updated in real-time from thousands of organizations across 157 countries. Read More

5. The Employee-Driven Engagement Revolution

The Huffington Post – We’re in the midst of an employee-driven revolution in the workplace. Empowered by digital tools with real-time feedback, employees have a new and louder voice and demand a more responsive relationship with their company. Read More

6. 3 Employee Engagement Best Practices You Can Learn From Customers – Your customers’ experience is directly related to your employees’ experience, and with employee engagement levels as low as they are, customer experience is likely to suffer. Here are three things that can prevent that. Read More

7. Engaged Employees Receive More Positive Feedback and Recognition

HRDive – Recent Studies have shown that regular positive feedback has a direct impact on employee engagement. Read More

8. Three Must-Have Apps for Entrepreneurs – These three apps will help you to manage employee productivity and engagement in your workplace. Read More

9. Unmotivated Staff? 5 Design Tips to Increase Productivity

Executive Lifestyle – If properly planned, your working environment can help open up new arenas for communication and collaboration, consequently increasing employee productivity and engagement. Read More

10. When Employees Want to Volunteer But It’s Tough to Leave the Office

The Huffington Post – There are actually a number of ways to incorporate volunteering opportunities into your daily workplace. Read More