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See Measurement Through… Before, During, and With Ongoing Learning

Part 3: In this third (and final) part of a three-part series, we’re sharing important information from our most recent eBook you can use to explore innovative new ways to design and develop a customized, successful employee onboarding training program that scales.

As compared with previous control data, at only the five-week post-training benchmark—but with ongoing structured workflow challenges, performance supports, coaching, and accessible pulled continual learning—newly-hired Delta Reservations Specialists delivered:

If you’re in the understandable space that assumes that Kirkpatrick Levels 3 & 4 are not realistic, clearly these early Delta onboarding measures mark results way beyond Kirkpatrick Level 1 (learning happened) and Level 2 (learner reaction). These hybrid onboarding modalities and tactics were designed to and successfully achieved Level 3 and even projected Level 4 business results. Measurement at designated benchmarks will continue, watching progress as we go.

Here’s what the learning leaders and stakeholders at Delta have been saying:

What you can start doing…

None of this happens all at once, but it does start with a can-do attitude and getting into a mind space that’s prepared to:

  • Expect the most of onboarding. Forget “check-the-box” mentality.
    • Design to measure.
    • Personalize the modalities so learners feel connected, confident, and like contributors sooner.
    • See the measurement through.

Foremost, remember that happy endings often require hard work, trial and error, collaboration, and deep commitment to answering the questions: “What am I assuming?”; “What’s another way to do it?”; and “What’s next?”

If you’d like to talk about how the answers to those questions can help you, or any other learning design ideas, please reach out.