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AllenComm Partners with the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide to Help Educators Successfully Navigate Online Learning

As part of its public service outreach, AllenComm has partnered with the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide (SPTS) to create an online guide that assists teachers in the new digital learning environment. The online course is called De-escalation in the Online Classroom and has a special focus on helping educators adapt classroom skills for recognizing and de-escalating conflict or dissension online. SPTS has long focused on training adults in trusted positions to be aware of warning signs and at-risk behavior for teen suicide and this resource supports that effort.

The online resource was created in ten business days.

“We are committed to continuing to focus our capabilities to serve the public good,” said Ron Zamir, AllenComm CEO. “While our country focuses on the medical care of so many Americans, we shouldn’t forget that mental health is of paramount importance. We are privileged to work with the experts from SPTS.”  

Teachers have honed their in-person skills for recognizing disruptive behavior, but facial expressions or body language on a screen are harder to recognize. The recent shift of education being held exclusively online is dramatic and game-changing. The AllenComm – SPTS guide will be shared with schools and learning organizations for all ages of children throughout the country in hopes that educators will be empowered to adapt successfully.

“Many educators are as frustrated as parents by the challenges presented with remote learning,” said Susan Tellone, Clinical Director for SPTS. “This short training redefines the use of those in-classroom skills for the online environment to enhance educators’ feelings of competency and control in the distance learning experience.” 

The online sharable guide is available to all educators. De-escalation in the Online Classroom is written for online schooling, but the learning techniques are applicable to any remote learning situations. This encompasses fields such as learning providers, youth organizations, school environments, and extra-curricular activities. For example, SPTS will share this online course with its partners at the international music school for youth, School of Rock. The music school will then send the digital course to its franchise owners and to school staff offering students online music lessons.

SPTS is sharing this course with parents, communities, and public health organizations in their area and around the nation. 

Getting the course into the hands of educators is more important than ever with summer breaks coming up quickly and the uncertainty for the next school year. The online resource was created in ten business days and SPTS is sharing this course with parents, communities, and public health organizations in their area and around the nation. 

About AllenComm

For almost 40 years, AllenComm has partnered with Fortune 100 companies to create and scale transformative learning solutions. Extensive instructional design experience, innovative learning technologies, and agency-level creative teams enable AllenComm to stand out in the learning landscape. Considered one of the top ten firms of its kind in the country, AllenComm wins over 40 awards year after year for their solutions. Partnering with AllenComm to supplement and support human capital management needs has helped customers reduce expenses, shorten onboarding periods, and raise the impact of sales and compliance efforts.

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About the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide

The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide, Inc. (SPTS) is a non-profit community organization founded in 2005 by two fathers who each experienced a devastating loss of a teenage child by suicide.  The organization is dedicated to increasing awareness and reducing the stigma of suicide through specialized training programs and outreach resources that empower teens, parents, and educational leaders with the guidance and skills needed to help those at risk of suicide build a life of resiliency.