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Evaluate Employee Performance
with Learning Technologies

In-person observations may not be a viable option when your workforce is geographically dispersed. So, how do you analyze their performance and help them continually hone their skills? In this article, Christopher Pappas from eLearning Industry shares ways to evaluate employee performance with learning technologies.

How To Evaluate Employee Performance With Learning Technologies

How do you analyze their performance and help them continually hone their skills?

The beauty of Learning Management Systems is that they allow you to develop in-house talent and measure employee performance without geographical limitations. You can deploy online training resources in their native language to improve knowledge retention, as well as provide personalized online training paths based on their goals and daily tasks. Then use the built-in LMS reports to reveal areas for improvement and identify top talent. Here are 7 ways that learning technologies can help you evaluate employee performance from anywhere in the globe.

1. Real World Simulations

Simulations involve all the challenges and problems that employees encounter in the workplace. But it’s in a risk-free environment that allows them to perform job duties without compromising customer satisfaction or sales stats. As such, you’re able to evaluate employee performance and determine how they react on the job. For example, whether they’re able to handle a disgruntled customer with professionalism or engage in a conflict. You can also disclose skills or knowledge gaps they need to work on to enhance their productivity.

2. Problem-Solving Scenarios

Employees deal with numerous obstacles on any given day. Some positions or departments have more than others. However, every member of your team should be able to navigate challenging situations without diminishing your brand image. A problem-solving scenario involves different decision-making paths that test how well employees resolve issues according to company policy. For instance, it centers on a customer exchange gone wrong. Employees must identify the customer’s needs, find a more suitable product, and acknowledge their concerns. They’re only able to achieve the most favorable outcome by successfully resolving the problem and utilizing relevant skills, such as communication, active listening, and product knowledge.

3. Video-Based Online Assessments

Create a series of demo videos that showcase task do’s and don’ts. Then, ask employees to differentiate between them and explain where the presenter went wrong. This takes online assessments to the next level by including a visual element and active recall, as employees must sum up how to perform the task effectively and which performance behaviors to avoid. Another video-based evaluation technique is to encourage employees to record themselves completing a task. Then view their self-created demo to pinpoint unfavorable behaviors or steps they’ve skipped. They can even submit the video to their remote instructor or facilitator to get their feedback, or solicit feedback from their peers by uploading it to the LMS’ online resource library.

4. Employee-Generated Online Training Resources

Another great way to put knowledge into practice is to encourage employees to create their own online training resources. In order to teach favorable behaviors and tasks to their peers, they must fully understand the skills and ideas involved. For example, a sales associate must know all the steps for completing the sales transaction or return process, as well as which skills tie into the task and how to prevent the most common mistakes. Employee-generated online training resources also give them the opportunity to identify personal areas for improvement and reflect on their past performance. For instance, a warehouse employee realizes that they’ve been wearing improper safety gear or incorrectly storing products.

5. Open-Ended Examples

Real world examples or stories often include a challenge that is resolved by the main character thanks to their experience and professional knowledge. However, you can also use them to evaluate employee performance by omitting the end and inviting them to form a conclusion. Give employees all the details they need to understand the situation and the character’s motivations. Then ask them how they would react in similar circumstances and whether the character handled things professionally. For example, if the protagonist should have carried out the client’s request or suggested another solution to avoid a compliance violation.

6. Pre And Post Pop Quizzes Backed By LMS Metrics

Pre-assessments give employees a baseline by which they can evaluate their progress. While post-course pop quizzes allow them to see how far they’ve come and highlight additional areas for improvement. You can track their performance through LMS reports that focus on completion times and participation, or even start a certification online training program to monitor individual skills or tasks. For example, they start with a pre-evaluation online exam that tests how much they know about the task and how well they’re able to apply their skills. These results are used to personalize the certification online training course based on their strengths and weaknesses. Then the final exam discloses how much they’ve developed and if they’ve bridged the gaps.

7. Survey Data Visualizations

Invite employees to complete self-evaluation online surveys.

Invite employees to complete self-evaluation online surveys and then analyze the results to detect patterns. For example, a high percentage of employees state that they are dissatisfied with their level of performance regarding a specific task or process. Thus, you’re able to focus on related online training materials to look for design flaws or unclear learning objectives. Survey data visualizations also help you track performance on an individual level and monitor employee growth. Just bear in mind that online surveys are based opinions rather than verifiable LMS metrics. Some employees may be their own worst critic and point out every personal pain point. But you still need to dig deeper with other evaluation methods to evaluate employee performance more accurately.

You don’t have to rely on face-to-face manager evaluations or printed exams to evaluate employee performance. These 7 online training tools can help you determine how well they apply their knowledge and which skills they still need to develop. They can also be used as self-assessments so that every member of your team can identify their own strengths and weaknesses. Then seek out supplemental online training resources to build their knowledge base and improve workplace performance.

Wondering which are the most important LMS reports that can help you track the effectiveness of your online training program? Read the article 6 LMS Reports You Should Look For In Your Next Learning Management System to discover 6 key LMS reports that every Learning Management System should provide.