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Engagement Weekly: What Happened to Employee Engagement?

Learn about the latest in employee engagement within various industries. This week’s influential authors look at how employee engagement could be on the decline, and some ways in which we can stop that from happening.

Get the full stories below.

1. How to Use Assessment Data to Improve Employee Engagement

The Predictive Index – Your workforce assessment data can be refined, boiled down, and applied to your business’s employee engagement strategies. Read More

2. Searching For The Perfect Employee Engagement Tool? Seven Things To Consider

Forbes – What exactly goes into selecting a survey tool? How do you know it’s really aligned with what your organization is looking for? Read More

3. Strategies For Employee Engagement In A Gig Economy

Digitalist – As we see an increase of freelance or contract workers, here is how to make sure that employee engagement is still a priority. Read More

4. What Happened to Employee Engagement? How to Offer Development Opportunities

HR Daily Advisor –  Employee engagement may be slipping as a workplace trend, but it should remain a priority in any successful company. Read More

5. Want to Increase Employee Engagement? Hold Managers Accountable

ATD – Organizations working to increase employee engagement have a powerful key at their disposal: manager accountability. Read More

6. How To Turn Employee Training Into Employee Engagement

WhatFix – Nearly 90 percent of the knowledge you impart to your employees during training, will be forgotten within a week. Read More

7. Improve Employee Engagement Using Recognition and Reward

jostle – Are your employees failing to engage? This might be the reason. Read More

8. Understanding Change and Its Impact on Engagement

Engage: The Employee Engagement Blog – Understanding and eliminating natural resistance to positive change is essential, and here is how you can so. Read More

9. Is Your Employee Development Broken? Here’s How to Fix It. – Every few months, business leaders cross their fingers and wish for good news about the latest employee-engagement survey. This January, they were still disappointed. Read More

10. 3 Reasons Employee Engagement Is Declining—And How Managers Can Improve It

ContentLoop – A recent report has shown that employee engagement is on the decline, here are some reasons why and how you can change that. Read More