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Engagement Weekly: Making Employee Engagement a Priority

Learn about the latest in employee engagement within various industries. This week’s influential authors look at how you can make employee engagement a priority, and why you should do so.

Get the full stories below.

1. 4 Ways Managers Can Commit to Improving Employee Engagement – It is important to remember to treat employees as people, not simply assets. Here are four ways to do this, while still focusing on the process. Read More

2. Managing Employee Engagement – Statistics show 70 per cent of organisational change fails when business leaders do not possess enough emotional intelligence to factor in employees’ engagement. Read More

3. Why Organizations Get The Employee Engagement They Deserve

Forbes – Purpose-driven organizations that let employees co-create the path forward get employees that are committed to the cause. Read More

4. 7 Strategies for Employee Engagement

BusinessZONE –  Here are seven strategies to engage people and improve your working environment. Read More

5. Digital comms, Employee Engagement Top CCO Priorities

PR week – Digital comms and employee engagement top the list of priorities for global chief communications officers, according to a study by an executive search and leadership consulting firm. Read More

6. The Link Between Employee Engagement and Customer Experience

TechTarget – Some experts argue that good customer experience hinges on engaged employees—and that means all employees, not just those in contact centers. Read More

7. Why You Should Care about Employee Engagement

MyCustomer – Getting a happy workforce is easy enough. The hard work comes in when you have to derive real commitment from the employees. Read More

8. Eight Ways to Use Social Media to Drive Employee Engagement

EY – Embrace the way your people want to work: social media is no longer considered a workplace distraction, it can be a powerful tool to boost employee productivity. Read More

9. The Dying Employee Engagement Survey: New Ways to Measure Engagement

OC Tanner blog – The employee engagement survey is no longer an effective way to reach engagement, here are some better ideas. Read More

10. Motivating Employees: Unlocking the Secrets to Employee Engagement

Culture LAB x – In the workplace, there’s a need for a balanced ecosystem— one that’s creative yet productive, comfortable yet professional, and so on. But lately, corporate leaders have started noticing an imbalance in one particular area: employee engagement. Read More