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Engagement Weekly: Good Engagement and Trusting Your Employees Leads to Success

Learn about the latest in employee engagement within various industries. This week’s influential authors look at the correlation between engagement and success, trusting your employees, human resources challenges for businesses, and whether Pokemon Go is positive or negative for a workplace.

Get the full stories below.

1. 10 Signs You’re Not Doing Employee Engagement the Right Way

Capabiliti – These are 10 red flags that can indicate symptoms and signs of ineffective engagement strategies. Read More

2. Create a Vocabulary That Inspires Employee Engagement – Employee engagement is about the methods you use, but also about the ways in which you implement them, through using the right vocabulary. Read More

3. Employee Engagement Strategies – Pigs, Chickens and What Great Leaders Do

Brainzooming –  Unsuccessful employee engagement strategies are not an employee problem, they are a leadership problem. Read More

4. Pokemon Go: Is Game a Disruption or a Wellness Tool for Employers? – About 69 per cent of Pokémon Go users admitted to playing the game in the workplace, and a third of respondents said they had spent more than an hour playing at work. Read More

5. Employees in High Performing Organizations Four Times More Engaged – Engagement is directly correlated to organizations that perform well. Here are some things to look for in order for your organization to succeed. Read More

6. Spark Innovation by Letting Employees Work in Other Departments

TINYpulse – There are many reasons why you should encourage your staff to step outside their comfort zones and work outside their own departments a little. Here are a few. Read More

7. There’s a Major Problem with the Global Trend of Companies Ditching Performance Reviews – Companies are quick to ditch employee performance reviews, when the real problem is actually ineffective reviews. Read More

8. How HR and IT Can Work Together Better

Intuit QuickBase – Technology is so deeply ingrained into every department that it’s critical for the bottom line to get IT running as smoothly–and quickly–as possible with new hires. Read More

9. The Top HR Challenges for Businesses – What is the biggest HR challenge you feel organizations face today? Some HR professionals and leaders answered this question. Read More

10. Face Up to It: Remote-Work is Simply Not, If You Have Trust – Remote-work is not to do with distance or place, but ‘time served’ and reputation. It is all down to trust—if you trust someone, it doesn’t matter where they are. Read More