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Engagement Weekly: Make Engagement Personal

Learn about the latest in employee engagement within various industries. This week’s influential authors look into what employees can do to engage themselves at work, how organizations can implement career growth in the hiring process and how engagement should enhance employees’ well-being.

Get the full stories below.

1. The 4 Players in the Game of Employee Engagement – Everyone, not just the HR director, has a role when it comes to employee engagement tactics. Read More

2. Improving Employee Engagement For Millennials Via the Hiring Process – During the hiring process, it’s important for organizations to demonstrate their opportunities for growth to candidates, so in the end, they can become great leaders. Read More

3. Bruce Lee’s Guide to Employee Engagement – Bruce Lee’s inspirational quotes can relate and help guide employee engagement tactics. Read More

4. Employee Engagement and Performance – Engagement directly affects performance, which is why there needs to be the right amount of communication between managers and employees. Read More

5. 3 Simple Ways to Use Technology to Build Employee Engagement – When employees are engaged, they become a company’s greatest asset by advocating the organizational brand. Read More

6. Employee Engagement Gets Personal – The power of employee engagement is within the employees and what they can do to engage themselves. Read More

7. Is Employee Engagement Still Relevant? – Engagement in the work environment should focus on four elements: a strong strategic narrative, managers who engage with their staff, employees who are heard and organizational integrity. Read More

8. For Employers, Three Weeks’ Notice is Key – Through daily engagement and interactions organizations can get the most out of their employees, even when they give their notice. Read More

9. Wellness 3.0: Employee Engagement – Organizations shouldn’t just focus on wellness programs, like gym memberships, when increasing engagement levels, but programs that improve employee’s well-being. Read More

10. How Employee Engagement Benefits Your Bottom Line – Employee engagement can benefit retention and recruitment rates, which ultimately influences a company’s bottom line. Read More