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2015 Portal Newsletter #3

Showcase: Portal Trivia Game

We told you gamification was coming to the portal, and it’s here! AllenComm has developed a trivia game that is available to you for use in your portal. The game structure involves trivia questions that the user answers and receives points for. The game is timed so that the possible points awarded decreases as the time ticks away, making the experience more challenging. Here’s how it works:

1. The user is prompted to start the game.

Portal trivia game 1

2. The user chooses from available subject categories.


3. Each question is timed.


4. As the time ticks away, if the user has not selected an answer, answers disappear one at a time and the available points decrease correspondingly.


Although this game is now part of our core offering, it is not a “just turn it on” type of feature, for obvious reasons. As you can see from the example we’ve shared, we tailor the look and feel to match your portal implementation, and you must also provide the content. Once we’ve tailored the game to meet your needs, you will be able to administer the game (change the content) from our admin interface.

Contact us if you’re interested in implementing this game in your portal!

Hosting Move

Some of you already know that we are making a change to a virtual hosting environment in the Azure cloud solution. This new environment will provide not just a newer hosting solution, but also an improved solution. Some of the benefits include:

  • Upgrade to newer server editions (Windows Server 2012 & Azure SQL Server v12)
  • Increased bandwidth
  • Highly secure datacenter backed by Microsoft Trust Center
  • Virtualized environment provides higher levels of flexibility and scalability as needs change/grow
  • Improved restore points for SQL database (14-day point-in-time restore)
  • More new features to come in the future

Coming Soon: System Administrator Documentation in Zendesk

We have been incorporating our system administrator documentation into Zendesk so that you can access it online at any time. Here’s a quick preview of what you will be able to find:



We’ll keep you posted about when you’ll be able to access this information.

Training Industry Top 20 Portal List

TI Top 20 Portal listWe’re happy to be named to’s Top 20 Portal list for the third consecutive year! We appreciate all of our amazing clients who challenge us to do interesting, innovative work.