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Link’spiration October 17th – Channeling your Inner Kid: Lessons on Happiness from the Youngsters

Link'spiration™ - Designer's ToolkitLink’spiration ™ – A chance to be surprised and inspired by unexpected connections

Kids understand engagement.
At Allen we spend a lot of time working on strategies to engage our adult learners, we found this article about what engages young learners to give us some tips. A middle school teacher surveyed her 220 eighth graders. She asked “What engages students?” Their responses were insightful and instructive, even for those of us who teach or train adults.

Strategies for Engaging Millennials

Kids Speak Out on Student Engagement

Kids play dress up.
It’s a sad day when you realize you’re too old to trick-or-treat. But at Allen, we feel strongly that you’re never too old to dress up. Halloween is a serious deal around here, and people will go to great lengths to win the coveted “best costume” award. We’ve been circulating this gem around the office, hoping that some of these winners will make a spooky appearance in this year’s contest. Check out these pictures from last year.

Highlights from the National Beard and Mustache Championship

Kids think life is wonder-full.
Wonder is a key part of every great learning moment. A bold statement, but we’ll stand behind it. Maybe this is why kids often embrace learning more easily than adults: kids haven’t given up on wonder. As part of Design Week in Salt Lake City, we learned about The Wonderment, a soon-to-launch “digital experience for kids where they can use their inspired imaginations as a currency to fuel world-changing projects.” Take a look. Use the #callforwonder, and we’ll meet you there.

Salt Lake Design Week

The Wonderment

Kids dream big.
Sometimes, adult life gets us down. Budgets, deadlines, difficulties, repeat. It’s all too easy to slip into boring, to downsize our dreams, to forget our influence. We could all use an occasional pep talk. And as Kid President says, if there really are two paths diverged in a yellow wood, we want to be on the one that leads to awesome.

A Pep Talk from Kid President to You

Kids tell important stories.
Recently, our coworker Dallas Graham used Kickstarter to fund the Red Fred Project. We’ll let his video speak for itself, but don’t miss this one. It matters. We’re proud of you, Dallas!

Red Fred Project – 50 Books, 50 Children, 50 States

Red Fred Project Video

What inspires you? Join our conversation below.