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Always Be Recruiting for the Best Talent in your Organization

As a corporate training company, most of our blogs focus on training and development.  Today I am going to break that mold and talk about a related subject; human resources.

I’m a relatively new addition to the Allen team, having been here for just over 6 months now, and for the first time in my career, I can walk into a meeting and safely say I’m the least educated person in the room.  Allen has given me the opportunity to learn from sincerely talented professionals.

I’ve recently been given the task of helping recruit new talent to the Allen team.  Knowing the caliber of talent that’s currently here, that will be no easy task.  That being said, I thought I’d write my first blog on the only sustainable competitive advantage companies have; the people and culture that their company is comprised of.

There are very few areas companies can compete for business; price, quality, and service.  Eventually, all products can be copied, increases in efficiency will drop prices, and service can be mirrored.  Thus, the only sustainable competitive advantage a company can have is its people.  The organizational culture, and the employees that contribute to that culture, will ultimately define a company’s success or failure.

Finding the right team members is a time-consuming and expensive process, but well worth going the extra mile.  While many people may possess the right skill set, they may not have the right personality for the culture.  On the other hand, if the person has the right personality, the right skill set can often be developed and trained.  This is what we specialize in at Allen; helping the right people develop the right skill set.  Talented team members will undoubtedly set a company apart.  Many of our team members have been here their entire career, and that is no coincidence.  In today’s world, finding and retaining the right team can be a daunting task, but it can be done. Here are some great tips for companies looking for great talent.

  1. Recruiting is a process, not a quick fix.
  2. Keep a log of candidates.
  3. Send thank you cards.
  4. Embrace your competitors.

While this may come across way too self serving, I felt it appropriate to take a step back and look at the forest for the trees.  So, I will end my corporate training blog with a shameless plug. We are always looking for a few very particular business professionals.  If Allen’s mission happens to be something you might be interested in, take a look at our  job postings online.