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Case Study: New Product Sales Training in the Technology Industry


Our client is the world’s leading provider of Content Delivery Network (CDN) services—essentially, they help make the Internet fast and secure. One of their biggest ongoing challenges happens whenever they release a new product and they need to teach their partner organizations how to sell it. Therefore, the company was looking to develop an engaging and innovative product training solution that made highly technical content more accessible and memorable for their channel salespeople. Since this was a global initiative, they also needed a partner that could deliver an innovative product training solution across divisions and countries.

Product Training Solution:

Our innovative product training solution used a simulation-based audio and video curriculum to educate salespeople and dealers on new products while strengthening essential sales skills, such as active listening and customer needs analysis. We suggested some unique components that, during the course, enabled learners to identify promising customers and practice matching them with the company’s products. We also built in social learning elements, allowing learners to share their questions and insights on discussion boards.

Product Training Results:

Not only did we help the company’s sales representatives gain in-depth technical knowledge of new products, we simultaneously built up their skills and confidence in communication, customer analysis, and consultative sales. All of these elements combined to create a highly relevant and engaging training program that gave sales reps essential knowledge as well as a sense of personal ownership of the content, allowing for quick adoption and enthusiastic implementation. Our course proved to be so effective that the company returned to AllenComm for additional projects, trusting our 35 years of experience for some of their most important ongoing training initiatives.

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