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Which learning modalities are right for leadership training?

The success of any organization lies heavily on its leaders. Luckily, good leaders can be molded into great leaders through effective leadership training. Whether an employee is being promoted internally or hired externally, it is vital to support those employees in proper leadership training. Even the most experienced employees still have room to grow. 

Learning Modalities 

Considering the learning modalities for this type of employee training and development is a crucial part of building an effective leadership training program. So, which learning modalities are best suited for leadership training? Some styles for this type of employee training and development could include asynchronous, in-person, or blended learning strategies.

Asynchronous Learning

A common learning modality for leadership training is asynchronous training. With much of the work force being hybrid or remote nowadays, asynchronous training provides employees with the opportunity to learn from anywhere and at their own pace. Check out the AllenComm blog “Embracing Change with Virtual Leadership Training” to find more information about the benefits of virtual leadership training in addition to best practices for this modality. These best practices include determining target skills, offering opportunities for personalized training, utilizing interactive training content, integrating social networking in your training, embracing microlearning, and never losing sight of the data. By developing a comprehensive asynchronous leadership training program, employees will be able to develop all the necessary skills and knowledge needed to be impactful leaders on the job. 

Asynchronous employee training and development is also most successful when there is a focus on personalized learning in resources. Asynchronous learning should emphasize the employee’s previous on-the-job experience, areas of growth for development, and provide the learner with motivation and buy-in so that they can best perform their job. Interweaving these in an asynchronous learning modality will provide employees with the leadership training needed to be successful while also providing flexibility, functionality, and personalization.

Person doing leadership training

In-Person Learning 

There are many benefits to retaining formalized, in-person leadership training experiences. One of the best strategies for engaging, effective leadership training is to provide opportunities for experience-based learning.

To become effective leaders, often new managers need to see and experience real-world scenarios. Demonstrations, practice, and decision-making Q&A situations provide the right kind of learning experiences to develop leadership skills.

Additionally, the most effective way to retain these skills is through formalized training followed up on the job through the aid of coaches and mentors. Leaders who have better access to mentors to give them guidance are more likely to develop the confidence and capabilities needed for critical thinking and execution. A sense of community being provided as well as having the opportunity to tackle challenges that may come up in-person are two primary benefits of in-person leadership training.

Blended Learning 

Blended learning may be the best of both worlds for leadership training, as it provides the opportunity for employees to get customized, asynchronous learning and then later apply and practice skills during in-person training. It also provides major benefits for employers, as it allows the employers to see how well their employee is comprehending the learning material and applying new knowledge. Learning material for this type of employee training and development should be a blend of virtual learning and job aids that can later be used while tackling tasks and challenges on-the-job. 

Much like asynchronous learning, blended learning should also focus on functionality. Online courses and microlearning for employees to apply later on-the-job should focus on relevance to their role and experience as well as address any challenges that may come up. Blended learning may be the best option for leadership training due to employees being able to complete asynchronous learning on their own time and then apply their learning during in-person training. 


Building efficient leadership training places employees on a learning journey that allows them to better support the organization’s goals. While our world evolves into a more remote workplace, a blended learning modality could be the most effective for leadership training. Asynchronous and in-person learning modalities offer unique opportunities in employee training and development, and blended learning provides employees with the benefits from each modality.