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Engagement Weekly: The History of Employee Engagement

Learn about the latest in employee engagement within various industries. This week’s influential authors look at the history of employee engagement, as well as some ways to know what your employees are thinking, earn their trust, and keep them at your company.

Get the full stories below.

1. The History of Employee Engagement

Blogging on Business – In our race for solutions we often fail to gain perspective on where we have been, where we are and where we are headed. Read More

2. 4 (Free) Ways to Kick-Start Employee Engagement & Boost Morale – Heightened employee morale can lead to higher production rates, increased collaboration and an improvement to worker esteem and satisfaction. Read More

3. Company Culture: What Your Employees Really Think

The Undercover Recruiter – A new study has found an alarming gap between what managers say they want their company culture to be and what employees say is really valued by their bosses. Read More

4. Employee Retention: 5 Ways to Keep Employees from Jumping Ship – How do companies keep employees on board and avoid the time and money suck often associated with high employee turnover? Here are 5 ways. Read More

5. Is the role of training and user guides for collaboration tools becoming extinct? – Will shifting our focus to coaching, instead of training, become the most effective way to help our users grasp what is right for them among growing collaboration options? Read More

6. 8 Servant Leadership Interviewee Questions

Cairnway – Are you looking to work at a company where servant leadership is practiced? Then these interview questions might help. Read More

7. 5 Reasons Why Employees Trust Their Teammates More Than Their Bosses

TaskQue – Great leaders can build trust with their employees and increase employee engagement by taking these important steps. Read More

8. Training Might be the Best Way to Keep Your Employees Engaged – According to a survey, training ranks highest on many employees’ workplace wish lists–higher even than mentorships, tuition reimbursement programs, sabbaticals and international fellowships. Read More

9. 10 Best Ways to Keep Employees Happy, Engaged, and Motivated – How do you engage employees? The key is creating a work environment that releases discretionary effort in the whole organization. Here are some examples. Read More

10. The Company That Welcomes Babies Finds Recruiting Loyalty a Breeze

Deseret News – Companies that have embraced bringing young babies to work have found marked improvements in recruiting and retention. Read More