What do you wish you could do with learning and performance data? How would you like to be collecting data from a learning program? What are your largest challenges with collecting, analyzing, and applying learning data? Probably because the word “analytics” can seem radioactive (scary but accepted as powerful and beneficial if correctly applied), too many organizations limit their measurement to Kirkpatrick levels 1 and 2 or think about measuring performance results after the training has happened with the data at hand. Learning analytics may seem less intimidating if we dissect how designating the strategies and tactics for each metric, KPI, and business needle needs to move throughout the learning journey.
This webinar intends to push your thinking farther in both directions of the learning journey continuum—earlier in learning solution design and later in performance measurement. Targeting what business metrics need to change in terms of changed learner performance is Step One of performance mapping. Step Five might be a robust measurement strategy in which measurement happens before, during, and after the learning experience. But to move farther toward adaptive sustainment, forward to Step Ten, we suggest a system that quantifies performance early in the design process and throughout the learning experience so learning and performance analytics can be automated and accessed live. As this webinar will introduce, this system then delivers a personalized Learning Pathway to the learner with built-in manager support. The webinar will also show how Step Ten can also facilitate lower-tech solutions for measurement that also target long-term performance sustainability.
Join us to review a low- or high-tech learning analytics approach and can-do learning analytics tool, founded on an early plan for learning and performance measurement.
- How to plan for a measurement strategy
- How to dissect business metrics into performance behaviors
- Software tool features that link business metrics to live employee performance expectations/levels
- Software tool features that automate and push a Learning Pathway for each learner based on performance, with built-in manager support functions