This was originally posted on in January 2019.
Performance Support Platform Dynamo
If you’re looking to improve performance, reduce errors, and provide more effective performance support, Siteline might be just what you need.
Performance support is a critical aspect of learning and development, and the reason why is simple: Humans can’t remember everything. We inevitably find ourselves in situations where we don’t know everything we need. In such cases, performance support is not only helpful for success but essential.
Providing performance support tools is a way for learning and development departments to directly impact and improve learner performance. In an effort to help organizations provide this kind of support, we launched Siteline, a mobile workflow platform that connects people to in-context information when they need it.
So, what’s the big deal? Let’s take a closer look at what makes Siteline an awesome performance support tool.
Today’s workers are global and on-the-go. And since the goal of performance support is to provide information when and where it’s needed, a mobile platform is a must. By pushing information directly to learners through their mobile devices, organizations are better able to reach learners, increasing the chances for consistent performance improvement and reducing the chances of errors.
Siteline runs on any mobile tablet or smartphone, providing learners with access to an intuitive library of information that can guide them through unfamiliar or weighty situations wherever they are. Consider this scenario:
A real estate agent is scheduled to give a tour of a property he is unfamiliar with. His company uses Siteline to organize key information for each of its properties. The agent is able to open Siteline on his mobile phone or tablet and interact with a virtual property tour beforehand, learning key information about the property. When potential buyers ask questions during the tour, he is able to immediately reference details in the Siteline library.
Augmented Reality
We’re all familiar with the challenges of traditional training in today’s work environment; written instructions, classroom training, and even instructional videos lack the interactivity, adaptability, and efficiency required to make a real difference with employee productivity. Augmented reality is a way to address these issues and provide effective performance support at the time and place of need.
Siteline utilizes augmented reality, in addition to online courses and digital documentation, as a training resource on the job. For example, within Siteline, manufacturing clients can create a 360-degree view of the factory floor and use the hotspot creation tools to overlay information for operators to reference on the job. This type of on-the-job support not only enables workers to learn more independently, but also offers safer, more efficient, and more memorable learning experiences.
Would you believe that performance assessment is the most dreaded talent management process? Inadequate data, ineffective metrics, and infrequent feedback (among other things) make appraising employee and team performance increasingly challenging. Those who are able to effectively evaluate performance need tools that provide them with the information they need.
With Siteline, managers get higher visibility into organization efficiency and productivity, making it easier to quantify employee outputs. Additionally, Siteline’s intelligent dashboard is able to identify workflow inefficiencies, assess individual and team knowledge, and measure content utilization.
We could go on, but we’ll end with this: During testing, we found that Siteline allowed 86 percent of operators to do their jobs faster with fewer errors. If you’re looking to improve performance, reduce errors, and provide more effective performance support, reach out to us.
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