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5 People Management Skills To Cover In Leadership Online Training

How To Apply Leadership Online Training And Enhance Your Leaders

There are different types of managers. Some lead from the front, ‘marching into battle’ with their teams and showing them how to ‘navigate the trenches’. Others lead from the back, pushing their juniors into the onslaught. A third category gives orders instead of guidance, while others just do everything themselves. Some managers are all about the work, which doesn’t seem like a bad thing. However, by neglecting the people that do the work, you’re missing a massive piece of the puzzle. If you want more success at work, keep your people happy, well equipped, and fairly compensated. Here are 5 crucial people management skills to cover in leadership online training.

1. Shifts In Perspective

Empathy seems to have no place in the office. It seems very woo-woo and psychobabble, but it can be a powerful professional tool. Empathy isn’t about mushy exchanges or emotional displays. It’s about seeing things through someone else’s eyes. So, for example, empathy in a brainstorming session opens you up to the thought process of your peers. Before you shoot them down as inexperienced or label their ideas ‘stupid’, get into their shoes. Ask questions to find out why they said what they said. Frame your questions in a warm, curious manner that doesn’t put them on the defense. And it’s a good idea to show empathy in your team’s personal matters as well. Treat them like human beings. To practice empathy via leadership online training, teach your managers about active listening. They can begin using pre-programmed modules with in-game characters. Then they can have moderated sessions with other corporate learners in a chat room or via video chat.

2. Corporate Intimacy

‘Intimacy’ has a few differing definitions, including affinity or camaraderie. In that sense, corporate intimacy is about making personal connections with your staff. If you feel warmth and goodwill towards the people you work with, co-operation is smoother. Tasks move more seamlessly, projects are more efficient, and profits follow. It’s key for managers to establish authority, but managers who are too focused on hierarchy can be problematic. If the psychological gap between them and their juniors is wide and fearful, staff can’t ask for help or guidance. They don’t feel seen, recognized, or appreciated because their boss sees them as a cog rather than a valued individual. Intimacy in leadership online training can be fostered through bonding activities and virtual team building modules.

3. Building Others

A bad boss gets ahead on the backs of his/her staff. A good boss involves their subordinates in their success and shares it with them. Extreme managers often exist at two ends of the spectrum. They might micromanage, which demotivates their employees. Or they might delegate everything except the glory. Teach your managers to be supportive and build their team. After all, a promotion for one of their juniors is the best testament to good management.

It proves you did your job well, earning the loyalty and gratitude of your juniors. It also makes a name for you in their new position, which could open unexpected opportunities for you. Empowering your staff makes you a good boss, and it’s all about the little things. Simulate management crises, for example, talking down an employee that wants to quit. The experience can give you practice in building vs bashing.

4. Complete Communication

As human beings with a strong faculty for language, we’re surprisingly bad at communication. Many times, we talk at each other instead of talking to each other. And even when all parties are actively engaged, what you say and what they hear may be completely different. This can be disastrous in a corporate setting, costing jobs and profits. Managers that communicate effectively with their teams have more success in managing them. The main reason communication fails is that it’s often incomplete. When you’re done talking, texting, writing, you should follow up. Be sure they received the message in the same tone, context, and content you sent it. You could do this by having the recipient paraphrase. This is easily achieved in leadership online training, either by in-course exchanges, simulations or monitored group chat sessions.

5. Patience Is A Virtue, And An Essential Leadership Skill

Everyone has their limits. Maybe a co-worker pushes things a bit too far by overstepping their boundaries. Or a customer comes in weekly just to complain about the layout of your store. However, an integral people management skill for a team leader is patience. They have to be able to not only empathize with their subordinates, but work with them to achieve the goals. Not to mention, help everyone involved achieve their true potential. Even if that means putting your personal feelings to one side and approaching the situation with a cool, calm, and collected demeanor. Worst-case scenario… scenarios are a great way to cultivate patience among team leaders. They must use their ability to navigate the situation successfully and retain their composure. For example, a demanding client or difficult co-worker causes a significant amount of stress and they must tactfully resolve the issue.

There are lots of different aspects involved in people management. You need to talk to your team, listen to their needs, guide their tasks, and give them room to grow. Use simulated conversations to develop empathy. Teach them ways to build connections with colleagues. Empower them and improve their career trajectory. Include lots of practice in complete, respectful, effective, two-way communication. By managing your people better, both the boss and the team will be happier, and everyone makes more money.

A good leader must know how to sort out the conflicts and disagreements that will inevitably arise in the workplace. Read the article 5 Tips To Develop Conflict Resolution Skills In Online Training to discover how to use online tools for developing conflict resolution skills in online training.