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Link’spiration ™ March 19th – Engage Learners with Powerful Words and Media

Link'spiration Engage LearnersLink’spiration™ – A chance to be surprised and inspired by unexpected connections

We are all about piles of ideas here at Allen, and this blog is a great place for us to discuss the ideas we have. But, this week, we’re going to mix it up a little with highlighting only one link (okay two links, but the same website).

We like this site so much that we want you to spend some time in it and to explore what makes it so great.

Names for Change – It’s just stuff. Until you don’t have it.

Here is what we like about it:

  1. The storytelling is powerful and contextual.
  2. The visuals are simple and yet poignant.
  3. The navigation is open and it effectively uses scrolling (we love scrolling).
  4. The directions are clear and easy to follow.
  5. There is a good mix of media, facts, explanations, stories, and call to action.

There is just so much working on this site. Now we just need to figure out what we want to name. Designing training courses that key in on the desired behavior and tell the story powerfully through words and media will engage learners and motivate them to act.

For those who haven’t seen Play Spent (by the same organization), take a few more minutes to look at that too.

Play Spent

They have done a great job using their website to involve the audience and make their story memorable.

What inspires you? Join our conversation below.