Link’spiration™ – A chance to be surprised and inspired by unexpected connections
What inspires you?
This question is at the heart of a creative field. Well, we’ve gathered a few links that help explain what drives inspiration or what could help give voice to what you already know to be true. As a quick primer, check out this article on how constraints can drive creativity or this one on how to embrace limitations in training development.
Creativity: How Constraints Drive Genius
How to Embrace Limitations in Training Development
Clean desk=generosity; Untidy desk=creativity
For those of you out there who can’t see your desk, and haven’t seen it since you made your New Year’s resolutions on January 1, 2013, you will want to read this. It may just make you feel better about the state of your desk. But it may also reveal some interesting things about your creativity. What does our work space contribute to our genius? And how often do we find out about the workspace of our learners? Could that change the way we design? Check out these workspaces to see if any look like yours. And if you’re really interested and want a longer read, check this book out.
State of Your Desk & Personality Traits
Best Workspaces
The Artist Within by Greg Preston
Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling
So much of our inspiration comes from the interactions of our team members. We recently polled our team and asked, “How long are you willing to scroll on a website?” The first thing we learned is that scrolling can be measured by time, physical distance on a page, or finger fatigue. We also learned that our team is generally more willing to scroll if the information is interesting and they can find what they are looking for. What about you? How long will you scroll? Here are a few sites to get the conversation going.
18 Websites that Take Scrolling to the Next Level
A Design Quote-Board
Who doesn’t love a good quote to spark the creative mastermind lurking just below the mundane surface of routine? We know we do. Go here to find some awesome quotes about design that may help you rethink your design process. Here’s one of our favorites: “You can use an eraser on the drafting table or a sledge hammer on the construction site.”
15 Inspiring Design Quotes
Frank Lloyd Wright
What inspires you? Join our conversation below.
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